
Why You Should Sell On Reverb

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Why You Should Sell On Reverb

Reverb.com is a online marketplace dedicated to musicians and their gear. It’s a great channel to sell your used or vintage gear and at the same time contribute to the music makers of today and tomorrow.


Why do niches like Reverb do so well?

It’s because it’s a community of people with a shared passion. Those with a passion for music love to cultivate it with others. What better place to pass along used gear than in a channel where you know someone will really appreciate it. Sometimes parting from your musical instrument can be hard as you’ve had great moments with it. Imparting it to someone else who’ll enjoy it as much as you did, feels right. For others who have gear they want to sell, there’s a market of specifically interested shoppers.


Reasons why you should sell on Reverb.com

  • Less fees than eBay which means more profit for you – There are no listing fees. Reverb has a transaction fee that is 3.5% cut of the total sale (which includes shipping) plus a payment processing fee.
  • Niche marketplace of specialty items where people specifically interested in these types of items go.
  • High amount of traffic. With 6.9M visits to the site in March alone, it has been growing at a consistent rate since October 2015. In December of 2015 it received $25 million in investment to grow this channel.
  • Be part of a community of like minded music lovers who want to engage with other like minded individuals and inspire others.
  • Expose your music gear to people who are looking for it because Reverb items can rank high in online shopping searches.


To start selling your music gear on Reverb.com, contact Kyozou today. Kyozou integrates with Reverb.com and other major online marketplaces to help sell your music equipment. With integrations to other marketplaces, you can create the information about your gear and list it to multi-channels to help increase the online visibility of that item and land a sale from others who may not shop at Reverb.com.

Contact sales@kyozou.com to get started.